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Tuesday 26 April 2016

Will Virtual Reality Change Online Marketing?

To some, virtual reality may seem like a revolutionary game-changer in the realm of technology, about to radically alter how we interact with the world. To others, it’s just a fad that will dry up in a few years to make way for something else. Most analysts claim that VR is about to go “mainstream,” thanks to current levels of consumer interest, the state of the technology, and the overall timing, but of course, most analysts tend to be optimistic when it comes to the pace of technological adoption.
As a marketer, the question is whether VR is going to change the online marketing world, and if it is, when it’s going to happen. Let’s take a deeper look at how, if, and when VR will change the online marketing industry.
Key Influences
VR could change the marketing world in some strong ways, ultimately through one or more of these paths:
  • Visual transmission. Visual marketing has seen a massive boost in the past few years, and VR is going to take that boost even further. Live-streamed video will start to become more popular, especially as other social apps jump on the bandwagon, such as Facebook’s recent rollout of Facebook Live, and users will come to expect visual experiences in all the media they consume. Written content and other non-visual forms could take a nosedive, accordingly.
  • Immersion. The immersive factor of VR is one of its biggest selling points, so it’s only natural that it would be one of its biggest influences in the marketing world. The whole idea behind VR is 360 degree surroundings, and that’s what users will come to expect. Forms of content like interviews, tutorials, and demonstrations will need to evolve accordingly; rather than staging an experience like a play or a film, you’ll need to frame them for a user “in” the experience. This will also lead to higher forms of user engagement.
  • Social integration. Oculus Rift is owned by Facebook, and Facebook is already taking measures to provide more forms of content for VR users. In the near future, more social apps will try to capitalize on the rising VR trend, and eventually, VR will change how we interact socially. Live-streaming first-person videos will become more popular, yes, but we’ll also see and engage with updates from friends (and companies) in new, unpredictably different ways.

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