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Thursday 31 March 2016

This Campaign Aimed At Ending Discrimination Against Men Is Creating A Lot Of Buzz!

Maggcom released a series of posters titled ‘#DontMancrimate’, and it has been all over social media, with everyone having an opinion on it – Good, bad and downright ugly as well.

Have a look


Honestly, no women really demands any of this. It is general courtesy men offer to the woman who raised him, or to the woman carrying his child.


We agree with the first 2 lines here, not so much with third one. Maybe the writer was in a bad relationship.


If we may put it very blatantly, the only reason a woman is given free entry and free drinks in a club is to balance out the gender ratio in an otherwise sausage fest, just so that the MEN like what they see, and spend more time in the club, and hence more money. Sad, but true.


Again, this sounds like a very badly researched poster. What’s been written here, is found in movies and soap operas, sure. Though the opposite (hiring) holds true. We have seen women being hired because they are women, gender diversity and what not.


Fair enough. But let’s not use the words “sensitive to other’s emotions” and “emotionless” interchangeably here.


Umm, all men judge boobs. Period.


Ugh. Forget it.

So what our point is, why make these immature, pointless posters at all? What’s to gain out of it? Some likes, shares and comments? Increased traffic on the website, so that sponsors come running?

We feel everyone should stop making random posters about “#RespectWomen”, about “#MenThisAndThat”. It doesn’t lead anywhere.

There was a time when such awareness was required, and talking about it made a lot of sense. Now it’s all just a marketing gimmick.


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