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Monday 7 March 2016

Product placement in movie

In the recent times, usage of products into the actual plot of a movie or television show, also known as brand integration is on the rise. In-film placement and brand association with movies is becoming a big business in Bollywood, with brand managers realizing that movies are now a great way of reaching out to an audience that is captive for a few hours. The trend first started in Hollywood in the early nineteenth century with the movie Wings, the first movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture, which featured a product placement for Hershey’s chocolate. Tomorrow never dies, the eighteenth spy film in the Bond series, decided to ‘Bond with the Best’ and showcased some of the world’s leading brands like BMW.

The table below lists some examples of product placement in the recent Hollywood movies.
Race 2
Bang Bang
Body Guard
Sony vio

Effective product placements 

The following are some observations from researches already done to assess the effectiveness of product placements in movies as advertising media.  
A product being used by characters in the movie is better than simply advertising the product in the movie.  
The products may be promoted by being used by other important cast members in the movie and not necessarily the lead actors. 
 Audiences want to identify themselves with certain movies and characters, hence “lifestyle” products benefit more from product placements rather than daily-use products
 The target audience should be aware of the product that is being placed in a movie. If this is not the case, the placement, is rendered useless. 
It has been observed by several researchers that smaller brands benefit more from effective placements as compared to bigger brands

Limitations of product placements in movies as an effective advertising medium:

 The marketers have little control over how their product is portrayed in the storyline. The product may end up being misused, ignored, criticized, associated with questionable values, or used unethically. If the movie is a hit, then the visibility is more but if the movie flops, then the entire exercise is futile as there is no visibility of the product. There is also problem of pricing the placement as generally the fees depend on the expected audience for the movie which is difficult to enumerate. There is a limitation over what type of products can be advertised through this medium. Consumer products are generally more effectively placed like this. There are ethical issues like whether the products being presented and used in their intended ways or are there any false impersonations being shown to the viewers. To sum up, the main disadvantages of product placement in movies is that it can be: distracting, intrusive and unethical. There should be a careful planning done to avoid the perils in order to use this medium effectively. 

Conclusion: It is simple that where you put your brand and how you will get advantage from movie.If you Associate your brand.Best example is blackberry in Bodyguard and Bullet bike in every movie in which hero personality is macho.

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